A parent should know 15 months old baby developmental milestones. This would help parent what to expect and what not at the age of 15 months of your baby. Here are the milestones categorized in main three categories.

Physical Development

  • Creeps Upstairs
  • Walks independently and seldom falls

Communication and Social Skill

  • Says about 3-5 words
  • Can point to a body part of toy
  • Points to draw an adult’s attention to something
  • Starts drinking from a cup

Play and Cognition

  • Solitary play
  • Uses both hands while playing
  • Stacks two blocks

The developmental milestones chart listed above for 15 months old baby outline the behaviors and skills that children typically display at this age. However, every kid is unique in his own way and develops at his own pace depending on the opportunities and stimulation he receives at the age of 15 months.

Courtesy: www.zerotothree.org, Right From Start Book By Mandira Kumar