Reading is very important in today’s society. Reading is said to be the mind’s exercise. It also helps to develop the skill of listening and discover new things. A person who knows how to read can educate themselves in any field of their interests. In this age where the information is floating everywhere, reading is the most important medium to take advantage of it. Reading makes you creative and can take a person anywhere in the world with imagination. Readers often have positive opinions about themselves and they think high of their abilities and never feel isolated. Reading improves spelling and helps to expand the vocabulary. Parents should instill reading habit in children from early years.

“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies and the man who never reads lives only one.”

It is very important to encourage reading in children; Reading is a skill a child needs to develop to succeed in life. However, it is difficult to instil the habit into children; it is a mission, but a worthy one. If you make reading a part of your child’s daily routine, he/she is likely to grow up as a reader. Without good reading skills, children are unexposed from potential knowledge and it affects their academics. Developing reading habits at the early age leads to lifelong love of books and it encourages thirst of seeking knowledge.

If you want to encourage kids to read, you need to do it too. Reading the books in front of children is the most effective way to make them read, it will show them the importance of reading. Let the curiosity generate in child that what you are reading. When they inquire about what you are doing, don’t miss this excellent opportunity to make them understand about the importance of reading. While reading in front of child, your facial expressions play a major role. You can show sign of excitement of getting something. Joy of reading must be seen on your face. For Example, you can express it by kissing the book and saying ‘I love this book’ and ‘it’s amazing’ etc. This gives a strong message to a child that there is something amazing inside book.

If your child asks about what you are reading, read the content from the book to them (you can add your story to it to make it interesting and age appropriate). No matter what book you are reading, read it out to your children, even if the book is not for children. Your bounty after this showcase is another question from your child i.e. mom give me a book to read. Your work is done here, start suggesting good books according to their age and make a ritual of presenting books to them.

Following are the few of categories of books that you should introduce to your child.

  • Bravery books
  • encyclopaedia
  • Value instilling storybooks.
  • How things work

Explore more categories from internet.

You can motivate your child by offering a prize for the quiz you arrange after few pages, reward them suitably. Prefer a book with pictures; it will help maintaining child’s interest in reading.
Do not introduce bulky books at first, which may take them away from books. Introduce small interactive books full of images at first. Even getting books on rent is a good idea, as rented books have to be returned on time and it may push your children to read it within specific time. You can also get variety of options at affordable cost via renting. Respect all kind of literature in front of your children, no book should be kept here and there, always keep them in their place and ask your child to do the same.

If your child loves to hear stories, pick a storybook and read them out every night. Always read the stories from book rather than just reciting without it. Keep few books in the car as well, that can turn the boring travelling time into fun-filled experience for your children. Do not let your child read book in any other language than in mother tongue; let them read the book which they can understand at first.

Remember that creating a reading habit is a very slow process. It may take years to learn. Moreover, in their teen-age, children can get a little away from books due to other attractions. You can create a small library in child’s room and stock it with the books you want them to read, even if the books are too difficult for your child to read at his/her current age, just keep those books visible, they will read them one day. When your friends and relatives inquire your child about whether they have really read the books, your child will pick up the book to read, as naturally, they love to impress the guests and that will be the motivating factor in this case. When your child is reading a book and seeks your help in understanding some part of it, never delay the response and express happiness about the question.
Take your child to the library or a bookstore at least once in month. Introduce them to the various categories of books and read out the synopsis on the back of bestsellers. Tell them that major of movies are derived from books so book is the main source of movie story and if they will read the book they will come to know plot of upcoming movies in detail. Click a beautiful picture of your child while reading and show it to them telling how cute they look while reading. Develop the picture in big size and hang on wall. Last but not the least; do not give tablets to children to read, it will destroy their eyes and they may also get distracted with other stuff in the tablet, so give them paperback versions only.

“Books are the quietest and best of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counsellors, and the most patient teachers.”